Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I have no idea why I have started a blog. Maybe it's not a good idea. Can my kids see it? Who do I trust? Will inappropriate commentary happen...by me? It's possible.

Why can't I remember anyone's email when it came to the invitations option? Well, except Stacy's and that's because I emailed her today. Got it stuck in my head. Everyody else's--poof! Gone.

Anyhoo, I'm back at work-day 2. So far, so good. Please ask me how I'm doing in March. Should be slow and painful until then--only because of the three months in a row vacation days have stopped and now it's three months without vacation days. How do you people work year round?

Speaking of working year round, what do people actually do at jobs that don't require planning/performing for an audience everyday? I mean, really--what do people do at desks? I've wondered this for a little while now. Maybe they don't mind working year round--I mean, if one isn't performing everyday, maybe their jobs are easier to do?

The only other jobs I've had was when I was in college and they were grunt work-style jobs. I know how those jobs go. But like bank people--unless you're a teller, what do you do? Fill out forms? Customer service?

I think I should have named this blog "random thoughts by a person who flits from one subject to another and probably asks too many questions". Too long?

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